APN joins the Progressive Coalition at the Celebrate Israel Parade

On Sunday, June 5th, Americans for Peace Now joined the Progressive Coalition at this year's Celebrate Israel Parade. Although the weather was damp, spirits were not as we joined with T'ruah, Partners for Progressive Israel, and New Israel Fund to show the world that there is a strong and vibrant progressive community supporting Israel and thousands of Israelis working for a just and peaceful society.

Pictures below

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APN Explainer: The Pitfalls of the New York Executive Order on BDS

On June 5, 2016, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an Executive Order (EO) entitled: “Directing State Agencies and Authorities to Divest Public Funds Supporting BDS Campaign Against Israel.

Americans for Peace Now (APN) opposes boycotts of Israel. APN also opposes legislation (and the equivalent, like this executive order) that seeks to outlaw boycotts or other forms of legal, non-violent activism against Israel. We believe such initiatives are the wrong way to combat BDS. Our full policy is here.

Our brief explainer, laying out our objections to the new EO in New York (and which apply equally to similar legislation being considered/adopted elsewhere in the country), is below.

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June 06, 2016 - Peace processes: now, 1967, 1976


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses what has happened since his earlier expression of skepticism regarding the willingness of the Arab world to sponsor an Israeli-Palestinian peace process that corresponds with the demands of the right-wing Netanyahu government; what would happen -in a best case scenario - if Netanyahu brought Labor into the coalition, he and Lieberman continued to preach “two states for two peoples” and the Egyptians and Saudis agreed to launch a peace process; a summary of the Six-Day War’s overall effect on Israel-Arab peace as we enter its 50 year anniversary; and in the 40 years to the Entebbe rescue, what does he think of the recent assertion in an interesting new book, that the raid “made peace less likely. . . .[and made] it harder for Israeli politicians to push through the compromises required for peace.”

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Shavuot - Still working for the two-slate solution.

Earlier we offered this cartoon as a reminder that the two-state solution is anchored in a two-slate solution. Soon, Shavuot begins again. It has come to represent the importance of the Torah and the 10 commandments. This Shavuot, may the two slates help us find a way to two states.

Americans for Peace Now wishes you a Hag Sameah, happy Shavuot.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to APN on this holiday, to help us work even harder to advance the two-state solution – the only way to achieve long-lasting peace, security, stability and dignity for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Thank you from all of us at APN.

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Erosion of Democracy: The Greatest Threat to Israel’s National Security

Ori at Isr embassy320x483On May 26th, 2016, Ori Nir spoke at the embassy of Israel at an event organized by the Washington DC area chapter of to a group of Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT), the historically Jewish-Zionist fraternity. This was a panel discussion that focused on threats to Israel’s national security. Other panel participants were Reuven Azar, the Deputy Chief of Mission at Israel’s embassy in Washington, and Aaron David Miller of the Wilson Center, a former advisor to Republican and Democratic Secretaries of State on Arab-Israeli negotiations. Following are his opening remarks.

For years, Israel’s national security has been defined by the combination of its military strength and its international standing – diplomatically, economically etc.

Recently, it is becoming clear that Israel’s National security – like that of any other country and maybe more than most countries -- is not only defined by tanks and fighter jets. And not only by international alliances and secure borders, but also by what goes on within its borders.

Increasingly, I think, it is becoming clear that what goes on within the borders of the territory that falls under Israeli rule – Israel proper as well as the West Bank, and to an extent the Gaza Strip – is more of a risk to Israel’s national security than are any external threats.

It is this notion that prompted Israel’s current IDF Chief of Staff, the Deputy Chief of Staff, its outgoing Minister of Defense, and a whole slew of former generals, former chiefs of Shin Bet and Mossad, as well as politicians – including hawks like Benny Begin and Moshe Arens -- pundits, professors, and people in the press to raise red flags and warn against alarming threats to democracy and trends of budding fascism – no less – in Israeli society.

People – not only on the “left” -- are alarmed at a situation in which national leaders – including the prime minister of Israel – are pandering to the sentiments of the street, acquiescing to nationalistic extremism and national-religious fanaticism. Well, not only pandering, but actually fanning the flames of what once was a small noisy minority on the right margin of Israeli society, and today is a powerful force in Netanyahu’s ruling coalition.

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Join us for the Progressive Coalition at the Celebrate Israel Parade, Sunday, June 5th

Progressive Coalition at the Celebrate Israel Parade

Sunday, June 5th,
Meetup Time: 10:30AM SHARP
Meetup Location: 55th Street & 5th Ave


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49 years: The difficult truths of this conflict

Lara_Friedman_ThumbnailJune 6, 2016 marks the 49th anniversary of Israel’s miraculous victory in the Six Day War. This was a war fought against terrible odds, in self-defense of the young nation of Israel. And it is a war whose victory gave birth to an historic opportunity for Israel to have different, better relations with the Palestinians and her other Arab neighbors, by trading lands captured in that war for peace.

All of us at Americans for Peace Now (APN) look forward to a future in which June 6 is a day of true celebration. But tragically, that day has not yet come – and, indeed, seems further away than ever. Because June 6, 1967 also marked the beginning of Israel’s catastrophic policy of open-ended, ever-deepening military occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip.

Over 49 years, that occupation has grown in the West Bank and East Jerusalem into a complex, far-reaching network of civilian and military modes of domination, control, and usurpation of territory and resources, increasingly interwoven with the economic, political, social, and national-security fabric of Israel proper. Territory that years ago should have served as a bargaining chip in a land-for-peace deal has been transformed into an incubator for malignant ideologies whose adherents rob Israel's citizens of the right to live in peace within recognized borders, with a recognized capital, enjoying international respect. Occupation has likewise robbed millions of Palestinians of their most basic rights.

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For the second in a series of ads from APN. This week's message is from Shlomo Gazit, a former Major General in the Israel Defense Forces and head of Israel's military intelligence service, who later served as President of Ben-Gurion University and head of the Jewish Agency. He currently serves as member of the staff of Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at the Tel Aviv University.

You can support additional ads by donating here.

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 News from Peace Now's (Israel) Settlement Watch:

Tomorrow the Jerusalem Local Planning Committee is expected to approve the construction of a large building for settlers in the heart of the Batan Al Hawa neighborhood in Silwan. The three story building will be located in one of the most densely populated areas in East Jerusalem, near the Yonatan House (see map). The land in the area was sold to the settlers by the Israeli General Custodian without any tender, together with three additional parcels in the neighborhood (Parcels 73, 75, 84, 97). The pretext for selling the land to the settlers was the fact that they already own two other parcels in Batan Al-Hawa (parcels 95-96) that were released to them by the General Custodian in September 2002 (see more here)

Peace Now: While PM Netanyahu and MoD Lieberman just backed the two state solution, on the ground they are supporting actions that are making a future compromise much more difficult. They government can still prevent the construction of the house by withdrawing from the deal of selling the four parcels to the settlers. By approving the construction on the Eve of Ramadan Netanyahu and Lieberman risk igniting the region and compromising Israelis' security for the benefit of extreme settlers.

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Thousands of Israelis marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday night to protest the appointment of Yisrael Beytenu head Avigdor Liberman as Israel’s new defense minister. Protesters carried banners denouncing extremism, racism, and violence in Israel, as well as signs proclaiming “Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies” and “Israel, Palestine, two states for two peoples.” Marchers were joined by Knesset members, including Meretz leader Zehava Galon and Joint List chairman Ayman Odeh. Peace Now organized the rally together with Meretz and the Joint Arab List.

Peace Now rally 5.28.16-484x252

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