Legislative Round-Up - April 10, 2020

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

1. Bills, Resolutions, & Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record

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PeaceCast: Settler Violence under Coronavirus

Hagar Shezaf is the new West Bank correspondent of Haaretz. In this episode she discusses her current reportage on the spike in violent attacks by West Bank settlers against Palestinians.

Hagar also spoke about an explosive expose she published in Haaretz last summer, where she revealed that Israel’s security establishment was systematically combing through archives and picking out embarrassing or incriminating documentation of what could be considered as war crimes against the Palestinian civilians during the 1948 war, the so-called Nakba.

Listen to the full episode

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News Nosh 4.7.20

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday April 07, 2020

NOTE: News Nosh will be on Passover holiday from Tuesday 4/8/2020 and will return Sunday, 4/12/2020. May we all be liberated.

Quote of the day:
"I don't understand why I'm good enough to work in Israel, but not good enough for the Israelis to test me."
--A Palestinian worker at an Israeli chicken factory, which Palestinians point to as the source of West Bank coronavirus outbreak.*

Corona Craziness:
A lengthy unity government negotiation meeting between Kahol-Lavan leader Benny Gantz and israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took place this week between the Prime Minister's study and his patio. Gantz stood in the patio of the official residence, while Netanyahu remained in his study and the two leaders shouted to each other because Netanyahu is in quarantine.**

Double irony: On the holiday celebrating the Jewish people's liberation from slavery in Egypt and in a reverse of situations dating back to Israel's military rule over its Arab citizens, Jewish Israelis will be under curfew in their homes on Passover, while the country's Arab citizens will be free to move.***

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News Nosh 4.6.20

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday April 6, 2020

Quote of the day:
"At least the Arabs can be happy that they are the first people in history whose name begins with “non.”
--Haaretz commentator Odeh Bisharat reacts to how Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu referred to Israeli citizens who are not Jewish.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
Israel detained two Palestinian Authority officials from E. Jerusalem, who were reportedly working to assist Palestinian residents as part of their response to the coronavirus pandemic.Yet, last week, Israel was fine to let Palestinian security forces enter the city to deal with armed clashes between Palestinian residents.**

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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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News Nosh 4.5.20

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday April 5, 2020

Quotes of the day:
“We are all fighting the same enemy, which is a global enemy...the corona.”
—IDF Col. Iyad Sarhan, the commander of the IDF’s Coordination and Liaison Administration for Gaza, sums up the reason Israel is now allowing some things in to Gaza that it banned for years.*

"A month ago, this appeared imaginary."
--A driver in a car at one of the checkpoints at the corona-hit ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak, where police prevented all people from entering or exiting, Maariv reported.

You Must Be Kidding:
"People who met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in recent months have heard lengthy speeches that seemed to be taken from one of Oliver Stone’s conspiracist screenplays. He told them that even though he has been elected repeatedly, in reality, the country is controlled by a ‘deep state.'"
--Haaretz's Gidi Weitz reported about Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's conspiracy theories.**

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Passover 2020 - Hoping for redemption while praying for a plague to pass

This night WILL be unlike other nights.

On Wed. April 8, we will celebrate the first Passover Seder and re-tell the story of the Jewish people's exodus out of Egypt. Given the COVID-19 pandemic this year, we are faced with an acute challenge to the freedoms we usually enjoy. While our seders may be limited to those physically residing in our households (and perhaps remote feeds for some), the crisis provides the opportunity to make a meaningful connection to the themes of the holiday and our ancestors and their quest for freedom.

APN is pleased to once again provide a supplemental reading for Passover, this time by Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels of Santa Monica, CA.

The new reading centers around the directive that "In every generation, a person is required to see him/herself as if s/he came out from Egypt." We thank Rabbi Neil, who is an indefatigable champion of peace and justice (pictured at a protest against the "Muslim Ban").

Our previous readings are also available to share and include in your seder.

We have also updated our Dayenu message and provide a special reading for this year's particular circumstance. Yes, we have had enough!


APN wishes you and your family health and strength for Passover and moving forward.

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Passover 2020 - This year we are slaves: What can these words mean?

PDF version for printing

This year we are slaves: What can these words mean?

We are slaves...

Because yesterday our people were in slavery, and memory makes yesterday real for us.

We are slaves because today there are still people in chains, around the world, and no one can be truly free while others are in chains.

We are slaves...

Because freedom means more than broken chains.

Where there is poverty and hunger and homelessness, there is no freedom;

Where there is prejudice and bigotry and discrimination, there is no freedom; Where there is violence and torture and terrorism and war, there is no freedom.

And where there are pandemics, there is no freedom.

And where each of us is less than he or she might be, we are not free, not yet.

And who, this year, can be deaf to the continuing oppression of the downtrodden, who can be blind to the burdens and the rigors of the most vulnerable in our own midst?

Who can be indifferent to the victims of violence — our brothers and sisters in Jerusalem and throughout Israel, the Palestinians themselves, our neighbors — children, women — here at home?

Who can ignore the silenced and the intimidated in Syria and in so many other places, the murdered and the plundered and the starved in Yemen, the dying and suffering now even in our own country and worldwide?

So long as such things persist, who among us can say that he or she is free?

Therefore, when we say that this year we are slaves, but that next year we shall be free, we make a pledge.

It is the same pledge we made last year, and the year before that, and we shall make it next year, too, for the road to freedom is not an easy road and we will not soon reach its end, our goal.

Yet it is the road we have chosen, and the choice itself is a foretaste of freedom and it is up to us to make it happen.

Together, we will in health and triumph.

Passover 2020 - APN Special Version of Dayenu - "We Can Do Better"

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Passover 2020 - APN Supplemental Reading from Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels - "B'Chol Dor Va'Dor"

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...בְּכָל־דּוֹר וָדוֹר חַיָּב אָדָם לִרְאוֹת אֶת־עַצְמוֹ, כְּאִלּוּ הוּא יָצָא מִמִּצְרָֽיִם

B’chol dor va’dor chayav adam lirot et atzmo k’iluhu yatza miMitzrayim.

 “In every generation a person is required to see him/herself as if s/he came out from Egypt.” (Babylonian Talmud, Pesachim 116b)

This sentence is often read perfunctorily at our Pesach Seder. It should never be – it should be cherished, inscribed on our doorposts and on our gates along with our mezuzot. These words are, in truth, the very core of the meaning and the message of Passover. More than that, they are the essence of the Jewish purpose in the world. They provide the lens through which we see our role in society as the “slavery-to-freedom” people. We are the people who know, in the marrow of our bones and in our collective consciousness what it means to be enslaved – and what it means to be free. It is not possible for us, as Jews, to ignore this legacy. Our only choice is to employ it as our Jewish responsibility to ensure that all people are free from the complete spectrum of slaveries:

  • physical slavery

  • sexual slavery

  • gender-role slavery

  • the slavery of homelessness and poverty

  • the slavery of a poor education

  • the slavery of lack of access to clean water

  • the slavery of lack of access to decent healthcare

  • the slavery of unjust incarceration

  • the slavery of racial and ethnic bigotry

  • the slavery of war

  • the slavery of being designated “illegal”

There are other messages in these words as well that I learned from my teacher, Cantor William Sharlin, who commented on how the phrases of the text are laid out in a musical setting by David Alster-Yardeini:

  • In every generation a person must see him/herself…

    • A call for self-examination that leads to the creation of values and purpose

  • …To see him/herself as if…

    • To fully perceive the possibilities and potentials of being human

  • …As if s/he came forth from Egypt.

    • To embrace the Egypt experience as our own experience and as a metaphor for our value-laden mandate to ensure that no one is designated as a stranger and oppressed.

Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels


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