NOTE: News Nosh will be off tomorrow, Israel Election Day, Monday March 2nd.
You Must Be Kidding:
“Hatred is what unites our camp."
--Natan Eshel, close confidante of Prime Minister and Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu, was secretly recorded explaining how the Likud strategy involved fomenting hatred because the "non-Ashkenazi" Likud supporters "hate everything."***
Quotes of the day:
—Author Eshkol Nevo writes in Yedioth why it is important to vote tomorrow not to get Netanyahu reelected.*
“It’s hard to imagine a more bipartisan issue than opposition to the abuse of children. But apparently, to AIPAC, if the children are Palestinian, each of their little bodies is a potential terror cell and their legal and moral rights disappear.”
—Yoana Gonen writes in Haaretz why Senator Bernie Sanders’ announcement that he would not appear at this year’s AIPAC conference because the organization provides a platform “for leaders who express bigotry and oppose basic Palestinian rights," was justified.**
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