Press Release: APN Hires Madeleine Cereghino and Claire Davidson Miller

Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) is excited to announce the hiring of two new staff members, Madeleine Cereghino our new Director of Government Relations, and Claire Davidson Miller our new Strategic Communications and Development Associate.

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Press Release: APN Welcomes Announcement of New Israeli Governing Coalition 

Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes the announcement of a new governing coalition in Israel.

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Press Release: APN Congratulates Herzog; Urges him to Advance Peace

Americans for Peace Now (APN) congratulates Isaac Herzog, who was elected today to become Israel's 11th president, and urges him to use his position to advance the cause of Israeli-Palestinian peace.

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Press Release: APN Rejects Reschenthaler Accusing Jayapal of "Antisemitism" 

Americans for Peace Now opposes Rep. Guy Reschenthaler’s (R-PA) resolution, which absurdly characterizes comments critical of Israeli policies by a fellow member of the House of Representative’s as “antisemitic.”  

Reschenthaler is introducing a congressional resolution to condemn Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) for saying that because Israel is more powerful than its Palestinian adversaries in the Gaza Strip, it bears more responsibility for maintaining peace in the region. Jayapal, who spoke in an interview with CNN, also said that as a tool to induce a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the Biden administration should hold a US arms sale to Israel.  

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Press Release: APN Welcomes Ceasefire; Urges Peace

Americans for Peace Now welcomes the ceasefire agreement reached between Israel and Hamas and thanks the third parties who helped broker it. APN urges both sides to adhere to the ceasefire and – in the coming days and weeks – to do their utmost to stabilize the situation.

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Press Release: APN Reiterates Call for Ceasefire; Urges Long-Term Strategy toward Resolution

After a week of deadly hostilities, with a horrific toll in Israel, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Americans for Peace Now (APN) reiterates its call for an immediate ceasefire.

APN and its many supporters and activists throughout the United States – as well as our friends at Israel's peace movement – are heartbroken as Israelis and Palestinians, Arabs and Jews, bury their loved ones. We send our condolences to the bereaved families on both sides, and wish recovery and health to the many hundreds who have been injured and displaced.

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APN Statement on Jerusalem and Gaza Escalation

As violence in Jerusalem triggers hostilities across Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip, Americans for Peace Now (APN) urges all the parties and stakeholders to take action to prevent further bloodshed and to stop the escalation toward war.

The steep escalation of the past weeks requires responsible leadership in the short term, and underscores the need for renewed US-led Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic engagement to end the occupation and advance peace efforts. Recent developments again demonstrate that the current situation is not viable and requires immediate attention.
The Biden Administration may not have wanted to prioritize Israel/Palestine. They may have hoped to maintain the status quo. But the status quo is no more, and looking away does not make this crisis go away.

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APN Deeply Saddened by Mount Meron Disaster

We at Americans for Peace Now are following with horror the reports from Israel, as the casualty tally of the disaster on Mount Meron keeps rising.

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HRW Israel Report -- A Call for Action to End the Occupation


Washington, DC – The world's leading human rights organization, Human Rights Watch (HRW), today issued an important report, which highlights the systemic oppression, discrimination and blanket violations of Palestinian human rights under Israel's almost 54-year-old occupation. The report lumps these violations together with the discrimination that Palestinian citizens of Israel suffer and defines them all as "Apartheid."

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Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes a new congressional letter urging the Biden administration to use all the tools at its disposal, including the recently released Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism and the Nexis Document, in its efforts to combat antisemitism.

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