APN Condemns Murderous Terrorist Attack at the Town of Elad

Americans for Peace Now strongly condemns the horrific terrorist attack in Israel today, at the town of Elad, as Israel's 74th Independence Day comes to an end.

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Washington, DC – Following a court decision that could destroy the homes and lives of thousands of Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Americans for Peace Now (APN) is calling on the Biden administration to tell the government of Israel not to evict eight Palestinian villages near the city of Hebron. APN joins its Israeli sister-organization, Peace Now, in calling on the Israeli government to cease and desist eviction plans.

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On Israel’s Birthday, Wishing for Peace and Vowing to Advance it

Jerusalem’s municipality is reportedly planning the erection of a 100 yard tall flag pole, twice the height of the Statue of Liberty, to hoist a blue-and-white Israel flag that is 108 feet long and 79 feet wide. The goal, according to the report, is for the flag to be seen from every corner of the city. It will, not coincidentally, be most visible from the Old City and its surrounding East Jerusalem Palestinian neighborhoods.

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers - The upcoming Biden visit to Israel (May 2, 2022)


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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The below letter was sent to Secretary Blinken on April 28, 2022

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers - Double Crisis II (April 25, 2022)


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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Op-ed: End Times for Israel: The Apocalyptic ‘Quranic’ Prophecy Electrifying Palestinians

The following article was published by Haaretz on April 17th 2022

End Times for Israel: The Apocalyptic ‘Quranic’ Prophecy Electrifying Palestinians

By Ori Nir

The most interesting finding in the latest Palestinian public opinion survey shows that 73 percent of Palestinians polled in the West Bank and Gaza Strip believe the Quran includes a prophecy regarding the demise of the state of Israel.

If you follow Palestinian social media, you’ll know that this finding relates to a popular theory devised by a prominent Palestinian West Bank Islamist scholar, Dr. Bassam Jarrar, a longtime Hamas spiritual leader and a YouTube icon, with almost 700,000 subscribers.

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Statement: APN to Blinken: "Conflict Management" Diplomacy is Insufficient

Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s round of talks today with senior Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian leaders in an effort to contain the current violence and reduce tensions at Jerusalem’s holy sites and beyond.

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers - War in Ukraine: Israeli Dimensions III (April 18, 2022)


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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