Statement- Trump and Netanyahu Delaying Ceasefire Agreement

August 21, 2024- Americans for Peace Now strongly condemns the apparent plan by former President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to delay a ceasefire agreement, as reported by many news outlets. In addition to violating the Logan Act, which prohibits private citizens from influencing official US government negotiations, the cynical pact to deny peace, the return of the hostages and desperately-needed aid to rebuild Gaza substantiates the claim that ceasefire negotiations are hampered by Netanyahu’s and Trump’s personal political objectives.

“Donald Trump was terrible for Israel and Palestine when he was President,” said Hadar Susskind, President and CEO of APN. “Now, if as a private citizen he is impeding a ceasefire solution, he is violating the Logan Act and endangering the innocent lives of Israeli hostages and Palestinian civilians.

“As many top Israeli officials have said on the record, it is clear that Netanyahu is delaying a ceasefire to placate his far-right coalition partners who only support continued war and destruction. The latest reports confirm that he continues to sabotage an agreement. Trump should remove himself from the process, and Netanyahu should take the deal, bring the hostages home and end the war – now.”

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Statement- Israel Government Approval of New West Bank Settlement

August 14, 2024- Americans for Peace Now strongly condemns the Israeli government’s announcement of approval for a new settlement, Nahal Heletz, between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The settlement is deliberately designed to disrupt the contiguity of an eventual Palestinian state, as acknowledged by Finance Minister and settler leader Bezalel Smotrich.

In formally approving the first new settlement to be announced since 2017, the Israeli government is defying the Biden Administration and the international community, who rightfully insist that new settlements are an obstacle to a resolution of the conflict. The location of this settlement also encroaches on the Palestinian village of Battir, home to ancient hillside agricultural terraces that have been designated a world heritage site by UNESCO.

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July 18, 2024- Americans for Peace Now expresses profound disappointment and strong opposition to the Israeli Knesset's recent resolution rejecting the two-state solution and the formation of a Palestinian state. This resolution undermines the longstanding ​position of Israeli governments across the political spectrum and contradicts the enduring stance of the United States. ​

The United States has made it unequivocally clear that no party should take unilateral steps to alter final status issues, which would ​threaten the prospects of achieving a two-state solution. This Knesset resolution, passed just days before Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to the United States, is deeply troubling and is a direct affront to the President and all who are committed to a two-state solution.

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Statement Regarding Additional Sanctions on Settlers and Organizations

July 11, 2024- Americans for Peace Now welcomes the imposition of new sanctions on violent leaders, participants in and organizations representing Israel’s far-right settler movement. Having used the terrible toll of the war in Gaza as an excuse and a shield for their escalating violence and land appropriation in the West Bank, these settlers and outposts deserve to be sanctioned by the U.S. and the international community.

Reut Ben-Haim has taken a leading role in stopping desperately-needed aid convoys headed to Gaza. APN’s sister organization, Peace Now, reports that farm outposts now sanctioned “are part of a broader system of agricultural farms strategically positioned to prevent Palestinians from accessing and reclaiming extensive lands in the West Bank.” The leader of Lehava, a racist “anti-miscegenation” organization, was previously sanctioned by the Biden Administration in March.

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Statement- Americans for Peace Now Elects Lisa Greer to Board of Directors

June 28, 2024- Americans for Peace Now is pleased to welcome Lisa Greer to the organization’s Board of Directors.

Lisa Greer is a philanthropist, nonprofit advisor, and convener. She is the author of the bestselling Philanthropy Revolution and the newly released The Essential Fundraiser's Handbook. Currently, Lisa serves as commissioner of the California State Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, where she sits on the Executive Committee. She also serves on the international board of the New Israel Fund as well as the Executive Committee of the Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors. Earlier in her career, Lisa was a studio executive at NBC and Universal Studios, and she founded and led several companies including a management consulting and strategic advisory firm specializing in digital media and entertainment businesses.

Hadar Susskind, President and CEO of APN, said: “I am thrilled to welcome Lisa to our board and to continue working with her in this new capacity. I know she will make a great addition to our group of devoted, conscientious board members, especially as we move ahead with our merger with Ameinu and the launch of the new organization.”

APN’s Chair of the Board, James Klutznick, said: “Lisa is an important leader in our sector, and we are pleased to have her bring her commitment to peace and justice to the board of APN."
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Statement- Israeli Government's Move Towards West Bank Annexation

June 24, 2024- As the New York Times reports, Israeli Finance Minister and settler leader Bezalel Smotrich is well on his way to achieving his goal: annexation of the West Bank. On May 29, the IDF’s website noted that enforcement of several key laws governing the West Bank had been transferred from military to civilian authority, under Smotrich’s direction in his other role as a senior official in the Defense Ministry. He has proposed four new West Bank settlements and attempted to impose sanctions on the Palestinian Authority, all in retaliation for other nations’ formal recognition of Palestine. APN’s sister organization in Israel, Peace Now, was responsible for making a recording of Smotrich’s remarks available to the media.

Americans for Peace Now warns that annexation of the West Bank is no longer a settler pipe dream, but a reality occurring while the world’s attention is focused on the war in Gaza.  Transferring powers from the military to civilian control amounts to legal annexation under international law, and makes a mockery of American policy supporting a two-state solution. Smotrich makes no secret of his intentions to “change the system’s DNA” and smash any possibility of Palestinian autonomy or statehood in the West Bank for once and for all.

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Statement on the Proposed Ceasefire Deal

June 3- Americans for Peace Now strongly supports the three-phase proposal announced by President Biden for the release of the hostages, a ceasefire, and humanitarian aid to Gaza as steps towards ending the ongoing and horrific war in Gaza. We urge Israeli elected officials across the political spectrum to provide the Prime Minister with the political support he needs to put this plan into practice. Additionally, we urge President Biden and world leaders to exert every ounce of leverage they have with the Israeli government and with Hamas, and bring this war to an end.

There is no “total victory” for Israel and certainly none for Hamas. There can only be respite for long-suffering innocent Palestinians and Israelis, who deserve the chance to begin to rebuild their shattered societies before it is too late.

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Statement- End the War

May 24, 2024- Americans for Peace Now has long called for an end to t​his war and for Israel to prioritize negotiations to secure the release of hostages. The extensive and prolonged nature of Israel’s military response, coupled with the absence of a coherent “day after” strategy that aligns military actions with clear political objectives, has resulted in terrible losses for Israel and caused devastation and suffering for Gazan civilians, most of whom have been displaced from their demolished communities.

Today's announcement from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is yet another emphatic call from the global community for an end to the war. The ICJ’s order for Israel to immediately halt its military assault on Rafah underscores the dire nature of the current situation and the prolonged conflict that has necessitated international intervention.

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Statement- A Two-State Solution Requires a Palestinian State

May 22, 2024- Americans for Peace Now has always supported a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And while many others also say that they support two-states, they often seem to forget that doing so means supporting the establishment of a sovereign Palestine. While the best course of action, and one that is ultimately necessary, would be joint Israeli-Palestinian recognition of each other’s sovereignty, that is not imminent.

However, every nation that declares itself in support of a two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state furthers that eventual outcome. Thus, we welcome the recognition by Spain, Ireland and Norway of Palestine, and believe that these nations are working together for the good of both Israelis and Palestinians. The acknowledgement of the existence of a Palestinian people in need of and deserving of a sovereign state is a step in the right direction.

“Right now the two loudest voices opposing a two-state solution are Hamas and the Netanyahu government," said APN President and CEO Hadar Susskind. "Everyone who supports two-states, be they Israeli, Palestinian or others, should support the recognition of a sovereign Palestine. It is no 'reward for Hamas' as Prime Minister Netanyahu has claimed, but rather the only way to break the cycle of violence that has entrapped Israelis and Palestinians alike for generations."

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Statement on ICC Warrant Request for Israeli and Hamas Leaders

May 20, 2024- This is a sad day for Israel and those who care about it. Sad, because while it is true that Hamas and the government of Israel are not equivalent, and it is true that Netanyahu and Sinwar are not equivalent, it is also true that the ICC warrant request for Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant are a direct result of the calamitous policies of this Israeli government.

For the first time in Israel’s history, its leaders may be subject to arrest in the 124 nations which are ICC signatories. This shameful situation is the result of the Israeli government’s willful disregard of international law, including the denial of aid to a starving population.

Hamas leaders must be held accountable for the horrific events of October 7 and their other war crimes. But as we have been saying for months and months, one set of war crimes does not justify or excuse another. 

APN President and CEO Hadar Susskind said, “The issuing of these warrants isn’t about antisemitism or moral equivalencies, it’s about a failure of leadership. That is what the Israeli government needs to address. That is what the people of Israel need to address. This war needs to be brought to an end. The lives of the hostages must be prioritized, not marginalized, and aid must be allowed into Gaza in levels sufficient to address the ongoing famine. I am saddened by these warrants, but not as much as I am saddened by the brutal reality that led to them being issued.”


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