Think Before You Post: Media Literacy and Fact Checking

Before hitting “post,” “share,” or “retweet,” take a moment to consider:

  • Is this source reputable?
  • Sites designed to spread disinformation often try to mimic legitimate news sources. Check the name, URL, logo, etc to verify.
  • Is this information substantiated by multiple sources or reliable data?

Education and accuracy are vital to our mission at APN, and part of raising awareness of the realities on the ground in Israel and Palestine. 

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Action Alert- Don't Let House Republicans Play Politics With Human Lives

As the Israel-Hamas war continues, the associated humanitarian crisis is deepening in Israel and in Gaza.

In response, President Biden made a much needed supplemental funding request that includes $14.3 billion in security assistance to Israel as well as $9.15 billion for humanitarian needs across Gaza, Israel, and Ukraine. If passed, this humanitarian assistance would be a lifeline to millions of people.

Unfortunately, instead of supporting this proposal, House Republicans are playing politics by proposing a bill that cynically offers military assistance to Israel but excludes the desperately needed global humanitarian aid, while also requiring the assistance to be offset by hyper-partisan cuts to IRS funding.

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Statement- APN Welcomes Lew Confirmation


Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes the US Senate’s confirmation of Jacob (Jack) Lew to serve as the United States Ambassador to Israel. Lew’s appointment comes at a crucial time, when the United States needs to be represented at the highest levels. We wish him success.

We thank President Biden for nominating Jack Lew to serve as his ambassador to Israel and urge him to send Lew to Israel expeditiously. The United States urgently needs a high-profile envoy in Israel at this time of unprecedented crisis.

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In Three Weeks, What Has Changed? (Hard Questions, Tough Answers- October 30, 2023)


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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Legislative Round-Up- October 27, 2023

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived.

1.Bills, Resolutions
2. Letters
3. Hearings & Markups
4. Selected Media & Press releases/Statements

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Webinar- Gaza War: What’s Next? With Tal Schneider and Daniel Seidemann (November 2, 2023)

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Marilyn Katz z”l

Americans for Peace Now mourns the passing of Marilyn Katz, a member of our Board of Directors and an important leader of our movement.

Marilyn was a political strategist, essayist, filmmaker and activist. She was the president of MK Communications, a 35 year old public policy strategy and communications firm. She co-authored three books, published numerous articles and essays, and produced and directed numerous educational and entertainment films and videos.

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Statement- APN to the Senate: Approve Jack Lew as Ambassador to Israel Now

Americans for Peace Now welcomes the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s approval of Jacob (Jack) Lew to serve as the United States Ambassador to Israel. We call on the US Senate to expeditiously hold a vote to ratify Lew’s appointment.

President Biden nominated Lew to serve as his ambassador to Israel a month ago. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held the nomination and today approved it.

We urge the Senate to expeditiously approve Jack Lew’s appointment. The President urgently needs a high-profile envoy in Israel at this time of unprecedented crisis.

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Legislative Round-Up- October 20, 2023

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived.

1.Bills, Resolutions
2. Letters
3. Hearings & Markups
4. Selected Media & Press releases/Statements

NOTE: Once again this week, given the scope and pace of current events — the absolute horror show of Hamas’s attack on Israel and the Israel reaction which at this point is clearly incipient genocide/ethnic cleansing — and given the for the most part morally reprehensible responses from members of Congress in terms of a non-stop stream of dehumanization of Palestinian civilians and support/celebration of military action targeting them, there is no “On the Record” section this week, and only an abbreviated Media section. Check members accounts on X or their websites for yourself if you want to see what they are saying. In general, if they are Democrats the message remains: total support for/solidarity with Israel in its campaign and zero concern for even the existence of Palestinian civilians or what Israel is doing to them. From Republicans, it is largely the same, plus an almost universal narrative connecting the Hamas attack to Iran and implicitly or explicitly making the case for war against (and regime change in) Iran (and some Democrats are on these same talking points). Plus this week we have the added demonization – from both sides of the aisle – of Jewish Americans and members of Congress who dare to call for a ceasefire or to defend Palestinian rights. It is all just soul-crushing to follow, let alone to try to document comprehensively while also following the actual horror-show of genocide unfolding on the ground.

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The Biden Effect (Hard Questions, Tough Answers- October 23, 2023)


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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