News Nosh 10.6.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday October 6, 2019
Quote of the Day #1:
"I'm afraid of being a victim, but no less, I'm afraid of being a simple witness. And so, and because my life has turned into a nightmare, I'm on strike today and will probably have to go a bit wild and join some sort of road blocking act, hoping that our raging protest will have a place in some news release, which Minister of Public Security, Gilad Erdan, will happen to hear. When you hear the same news broadcast about Arab rioters blocking roads, please remember the justified protest of Ethiopian immigrants in the summer, remember that then there was not a single victim, and we demand similar treatment."
--Amjad Shavita, managing co-director of Sikkuy - The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality, wrote in an Op-Ed, why he no longer walks his daughter to kindergarten.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
“We are in luck that the Arabs boycotted the opening ceremony of the 22nd Knesset. They would have shot into the air to express happiness/sadness/their protest/ because that's their habit, and then, of course, blame the police."
--Far-right-wing, racist religious settler Transportation Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, wrote on Twitter, after the Arab MKs boycotted the ceremony as a gesture of protest against the violent crime in Arab society, which they call on the government to eliminate.*

Quote of the Day #2:
“I’m surprised the racist [Smotrich] didn't take our seats and claim God told him they are his."  
--Ayman Odeh, leader of the Joint List, responded, noting Smotrich’s Messianic settler ideology.*

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Milton Viorst's Introduction to Jim Klutznick's Rosh Hashana Letter

Since I began covering Israel and its Middle East neighbors in the wake of the Six-Day War of 1967, it has been apparent to me that an enduring peace is possible only after Jews and Arabs reach a point of mutual respect and understanding. This objective has over the ensuing years has proven extremely elusive. Both societies have staked territorial claims that leave little room for the interests of the other. Both overlook the fact that history does not stand still, not in the Middle East or anywhere else, and that territorial claims are not sacred. If Jews and Arabs do not respond to changing conditions, and embrace a vision of social justice, both surely risk destruction. Peace Now -- Shalom Achshav in Hebrew -- has recognized that truth since its founding thirty-five years ago.  As a Zionist, dedicated to the ideal of a homeland for the Jewish people, I applaud the struggle that Peace Now wages for the well-being of the two peoples who live in Palestine.   

Read APN Chair Jim Klutznick's letter for Rosh Hashana 5780 (2019)

Milton Viorst most recent book is Zionism: The Birth and Transformation of an Ideal. It examines Zionism from the sowing of its seeds in enlightenment Europe centuries ago to the establishment of a nation state in 1948 to the widespread criticism to which it is subject today for an unduly harsh policy toward its Palastinian neighbors. Zionism is Viorst's sixth book on the Middle East. He was the Middle East corespondent for the New Yorker and has written on the Middle East for the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, as well as The Atlantic, Time and The Nation. He served on the faculty at Princeton as a Ferris Fellow. He lives in Washington with his wife, Judith, a celebrated poet.    

News Nosh 10.3.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday October 3, 2019

Quote of the day:
"I remind that the Nazis came to power in a democratic way. So we have to be careful among us, be careful that extremists with a messianic view do not take advantage of Israeli democracy in order to create a different governing reality here. "
MK Yair Golan (Democratic Camp) warned in a radio interview today.*

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News Nosh 10.2.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday October 2, 2019

Quote of the day:
"Today, no one can shove the Arab public aside and ignore its existence. It's a very important community in Israel, one in which changes are constantly taking place. It's becoming more varied and more educated. We aren't satisfied with being part of the final product. We want to take part in the process of development, which will eventually benefit us, too."
--Former police commander and founder of the highly regarded Umm al-Fahm art gallery, Said Abu Shakra, said that the Arab parties'  performance in the most recent elections was a credit to the Arab public, not the politicians, and expressed his belief "in the power of culture and art to overcome humans' emotional obstacles."**

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News Nosh 9.26.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday September 26, 2019

NOTE: News Nosh will be off for the Jewish Holiday and back Wednesday, October 2nd. Happy 5780!

Quote of the day:
"If anyone thought that responsibility and the good of the state would come first, and that Netanyahu would agree to step off the stage and let his party members, if not the residents of his country - return to normalcy, and go on with their lives, then that person has never seen a wounded animal."
--Yedioth's senior political commentator, Sima Kadmon, examines Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's words and actions yesterday upon receiving the mandate to form a government.*

You Must Be Kidding #1: 
"We have been through a tough election campaign on all sides and for all sides. We need to unite the nation, to heal the rifts because we are facing three huge challenges."
--Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who led incitement against Arabs, left-wingers and the media, in his election campaign, called to heal the rift.***

You Must Be Kidding #2: 
Israeli Judge Miriam Kaslassy ordered the eviction Friday of the 18-member Sumreen family, who have been fighting for 30 years against the attempts by the Jewish National Fund to take ownership of their home, backed by the far-right settler group Elad. Judge Kaslassy accepted the JNF’s claim of ownership on the basis that two of the heirs of one of the family's deceased ancestors live in an ‘enemy country,’ and by Israeli law that gives Israel the right to take the home.**

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News Nosh 9.25.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday September 25, 2019

Numbers of the day:
From 20% of the population, i.e. the Arab sector, are 60% of the murder victims from violent crime in Israel.**

Breaking News:
Final Israel election results: Netanyahu up to 32 seats, ultra-Orthodox party down one (Haaretz and Israel Hayom)

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APN Joins T'ruah Friend of the Court Letter to Israel's High Court of Justice

Americans for Peace Now signed on to a letter sent by T'ruah, The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, to Israel's High Court of Justice ahead of the Court's hearing of Human Rights Watch's Omar Shakir against the government of Israel's decision to deport him from Israel: 

24 September 2019
Israeli Supreme Court Chief Clerk, Idit Malul
Supreme Court Justices and Registrars
Sha’arei Mishpat St
Jerusalem 9195001 Israel

Dear Ms. Malul,

We write on behalf of five American Jewish organizations in support of Omar Shakir, the Israel and Palestine Director of Human Rights Watch. We call on the Israeli government to cease its efforts to deport Shakir and on the Israeli Supreme Court to reverse the lower court ruling that upheld the deportation.

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News Nosh 9.24.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday September 24, 2019

You Must Be Kidding: 
The town of Mevasseret Zion is going ahead with plans to build a cemetery for its residents across the Green Line, even though the army is making this conditional on having armed civilian security guards at every funeral to be held there.**

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PeaceCast: From Zero-Sum to Peace - Dual Narratives

This episode of APN's podcast features a presentation that Nizar Farsakh and Ori Nir gave at Ithaca College on September 17th. The talk was an attempt to make the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more accessible to young people by weaving personal narratives of an Israeli-American and a Palestinian-American into the collective national narratives of Israelis and Palestinians.

Listen to the full episode

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Dual Narratives at Ithaca

On September 17th, Ori Nir participated in two special events at Cornell University and Ithaca College together with Nizar Farsakh, the chair of the Board of the Museum of the Palestinian People in Washington DC.

Farsakh is the former General Director of the PLO Delegation in Washington DC, and a former adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and to former Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

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