Trump’s Plan Between Policy and Politics

Listen to APN's briefing call from Thursday, January 30th with veteran Israeli political analyst Akiva Eldar.

Akiva addressed the Trump administration’s so-called “Deal of the Century,” Trump’s proposal for a permanent status settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. He discussed both the goals of the Trump administration’s policy on Israel and the Palestinians and the politics behind it, and the impact that unveiling the plan has and will have on Israeli politics.

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Giving Power to Our Principles: The 2020 World Zionist Congress Elections (Live Webinar)

Partners for Progressive Israel webinar (co-sponsored by Americans for Peace Now and NCJW)

This online discussion can be accessed via your computer or by phone.


Online elections for the 2020 World Zionist Congress are underway – and the results will be crucial, impacting the distribution of $5,000,000,000 in budget money over the next five years and affecting every area of Jewish life worldwide and every aspect of life in Israel – including the funding of West Bank settlements.

Joining us on Wednesday, 29 January, 12:30-1:30pm Eastern Time to discuss the World Zionist Congress elections and their importance both “here” and “there” will be two superb panelists, one American and one Israeli:

Nancy Kaufman, past CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women and a member of the HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel Slate

Hagit Ofran, Co-Director of the Settlement Watch project of the Israeli Peace Now movement (Shalom Achshav)
The conversation will be introduced and moderated by Hadar Susskind, Campaign Director for the HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel slate. This event is co-sponsored by Americans for Peace Now and National Council of Jewish Women. A Q&A will be included.

Please tune in for this important webinar!

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Friday, January 24 | 9-10:30 am

Middle East Institute - 1763 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036


Image result for ali abu awwadPro-peace Palestinian activist Ali Abu Awwad will discuss his work in the occupied Palestinian territory to mobilize a movement of nonviolent resistance to the occupation, his reception in Palestinian society, his engagement with Israeli civilians and his hopes and concerns for the new year.

Cosponsored by Americans for Peace Now, the Foundation for Middle East Peace, J Street, the Middle East Institute, and the New Israel Fund.

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The Foundation for Middle East, along with Americans for Peace Now, J Street, the New Israel Fund, and the Middle East Institute invite you to an event:

Demolishing Democracy: How Annexationism Is Bulldozing Israeli Institutions


Yehuda Shaul, Co-Founder, Breaking the Silence

in conversation with

Debra Shushan, Director of Government Relations, J Street

When: January 27, 2019, 10:00am
Where: the Middle East Institute, 1763 N St. NW, Washington, DC

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Friday, December 6, 2:00 pm

Middle East Institute

1762 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036

Please RSVP by Wednesday, December 4th to Arielle Hollies at

Yael Patir is J Street's Israel Director. Prior to joining J Street in 2012, she served as Director of the Civil Leadership Department at the Shimon Peres Center for Peace where she oversaw cross-border peace-building programs that engaged a wide range of civil society figures, including Palestinian and Israeli young political leaders. Yael also helped establish the Palestinian-Israeli Peace NGO Forum, a network of some 100 Palestinian and Israeli peace and dialogue organizations, and has served as the Israeli Director since the Forum’s inception in January 2006.

Dr. Nisreen Shehada is one of the founders of Standing Together, a joint Jewish-Arab grassroots movement fighting to transform Israeli politics. Standing Together organizes Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel around campaigns for peace, equality, and social justice, in order to build power and transform Israeli society. Dr. Shehada has a PhD in chemical engineering and nanotechnology, works at a large high-tech company and lives in Haifa.

Michal Gera Margaliot is the Executive Director of Israel's Women's Network. For the last decade Michal has been on the frontlines promoting women’s rights in Israel. In her current role, Michael oversees IWN's work to fight for equal pay for women and greater women's representation in leadership positions across all sectors of Israeli society. Prior to becoming the managing director of the IWN, Michal served as a parliamentary advisor and chief of staff of MK Merav Michaeli.

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Dual Narratives at Ithaca

On September 17th, Ori Nir participated in two special events at Cornell University and Ithaca College together with Nizar Farsakh, the chair of the Board of the Museum of the Palestinian People in Washington DC.

Farsakh is the former General Director of the PLO Delegation in Washington DC, and a former adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and to former Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

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Event photos and tribute slide show come after the videos

Event Highlight Video

All still photography and videography from the event was done by j. concepts productions (highly recommended!).  

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APN Award Luncheon - Gunther Tribute Slide Show Presentation - September 8, 2109

Slide show presentation of tributes and more shown at the APN Award Luncheon in Los Angeles on September 8, 2019.

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Click HERE or the graphic below for more information, to get tickets or donate for a tribute message.

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