Statement: APN Welcomes News of Israel-Hamas Ceasefire

Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes the news of a deal to release some fifty hostages held by Hamas and other militants in the Gaza Strip, and the agreement to a four day long ceasefire. The taking of hostages is a war crime, and we reiterate our call for the immediate release of all of the hostages, and for Red Cross access to those not being immediately released. 

The mutually agreed upon ceasefire is a welcome development. The ceasefire will allow for both the release of hostages and the provision of essential humanitarian aid to Gazan civilians, including food, water, medicine and fuel. In addition, we welcome the reported agreement to release all Palestinian minors held in Israeli prisons. 

APN’s President and CEO Hadar Susskind said: “Releasing some hostages is a positive first step. The rest of the hostages should also be released immediately. In addition, I am pleased to see a mutually agreed upon ceasefire that, hopefully, will begin to shape a post-war reality on both sides of the Israel-Gaza border. Such a reality would end the hostilities, provide security and stability for Israel, address the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and kick off the challenging task of rebuilding Gaza. As President Biden thankfully asserts, this road must lead to a new era in Israeli-Palestinian relations, one that is governed by pursuit of an agreement that would result in two sovereign states for the benefit of both peoples.”  

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Statement- APN Urges Cessation in Fighting; Relief Efforts for Civilians in Gaza

In a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Americans for Peace Now’s President and CEO Hadar Susskind urges the administration to push for a humanitarian pause in the Israel-Hamas war and to intensify its diplomatic efforts to protect the lives of civilians impacted by the current crisis.

In addition, the letter calls for fuel to relief agencies in the Gaza Strip to be included in any humanitarian aid. “Without an adequate supply of fuel to UNRWA, the humanitarian assistance permitted to enter Gaza essentially becomes worthless, exacerbating the suffering of the already vulnerable population,” the letter says, explaining that fuel is vital for distributing the humanitarian supplies provided for Gazan civilians. 

APN calls for the immediate release of all hostages and urges the administration to expedite the delivery of additional assistance, pushing for a humanitarian pause pending measures to spare civilians, establishing a humanitarian corridor to enable safe passage of civilians away from northern Gaza, and other measures to prevent further civilian deaths.

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Statement- APN Welcomes Lew Confirmation


Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes the US Senate’s confirmation of Jacob (Jack) Lew to serve as the United States Ambassador to Israel. Lew’s appointment comes at a crucial time, when the United States needs to be represented at the highest levels. We wish him success.

We thank President Biden for nominating Jack Lew to serve as his ambassador to Israel and urge him to send Lew to Israel expeditiously. The United States urgently needs a high-profile envoy in Israel at this time of unprecedented crisis.

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Statement- APN to the Senate: Approve Jack Lew as Ambassador to Israel Now

Americans for Peace Now welcomes the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s approval of Jacob (Jack) Lew to serve as the United States Ambassador to Israel. We call on the US Senate to expeditiously hold a vote to ratify Lew’s appointment.

President Biden nominated Lew to serve as his ambassador to Israel a month ago. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held the nomination and today approved it.

We urge the Senate to expeditiously approve Jack Lew’s appointment. The President urgently needs a high-profile envoy in Israel at this time of unprecedented crisis.

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Statement- APN to President Biden: Address All Aspects of the Current Crisis

The war between Israel and Gaza’s militants took another disastrous turn today, when a hospital in Gaza City was hit. Hundreds were killed and many others were injured.

We are horrified by the carnage. We send our condolences to the families of Palestinian civilians who were killed at Al-Ahli hospital and at other sites in the Gaza Strip. While there are conflicting reports as to the party responsible for this explosion, one thing is abundantly clear: the longer this war continues, the more civilian lives will be lost.

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APN Statement: Prevent a Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza

As Shabbat approaches and Israeli forces prepare for a ground incursion into the Gaza Strip, we again share our horror at the brutal attacks by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad on October 7th. We also add our voice to President Biden’s and Secretary of Defense Austin’s call on Israel to obey international law and to do everything possible to avoid further civilian injury and death.

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Progressive Israel Network Statement on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza

Following is a statement by members of the Progressive Israel Network (PIN), a coalition of organizations representing Americans who are committed to pursuing democracy, equality and peace in Israel.

As we grasp the dimensions of the horror in southern Israel, the magnitude of the carnage, injury and destruction, we mourn the lives lost and wish a speedy and full recovery for those injured. We also urge the government of Israel, the Biden administration and all other stakeholders to immediately start negotiations over returning the hostages taken by Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Their savage attack on Israel, beginning on Saturday, targeting civilians and murdering them in cold blood, is an inexcusable war crime.

We stand with the people of Israel in this very difficult time. Our hearts are with the Israeli public. We urge our members and supporters to assist our sisters and brothers in Israel in every way possible.

We express our deep appreciation to President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken for supporting the people of Israel and for their diplomatic efforts to prevent a regional crisis.

Following the catastrophic security failure of the Netanyahu government, we urge Israeli authorities who are carrying out military operations in the Gaza Strip to act responsibly and respect international law. An irresponsible, rash reaction that violates the laws of war is likely to result in disastrous repercussions, further civilian casualties on both sides, and calamitous political consequences. Hamas's horrific war crimes cannot justify further war crimes.

Going forward, we urge our government in Washington and the government of Israel to pave a path toward a political settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which would put an end to the ceaseless cycle of violence and suffering between Israelis and Palestinians.

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APN Outraged by Hamas Attack; Stands in Solidarity with Israel 

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is horrified and outraged by Hamas’ attack on Israel, which includes rockets fired at civilian population centers, a ground invasion into Israeli border communities and the taking of Israeli civilian hostages. 

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APN Deeply Saddened by the Passing of Senator Feinstein

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is deeply saddened by the passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Senator Feinstein enthusiastically worked to advance Israeli security and democracy, and the cause of Israeli-Palestinian peace. She strongly believed that the only way to secure Israel as a Jewish state and a democracy is by establishing an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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Yesterday, Over 700 Jewish Americans sent a critical petition to Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling for the immediate release of $75 million in emergency humanitarian funding for Palestinian refugees. The funds, previously approved by Congress to provide essential food assistance to vulnerable Palestinian families via the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), are set to expire at midnight this Saturday.

In a plea to Secretary Blinken, the petition highlights the urgency of the situation. Senator Jim Risch of Idaho, Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has imposed a hold on these crucial funds, preventing their release for months despite repeated appeals from concerned advocates. Without swift action by the State Department to override the hold, over 1.2 million Palestinian refugees in Gaza face an impending humanitarian catastrophe, with many vulnerable children left without access to food.

The text of the petition, delivered to Secretary Blinken, implores him to take immediate action and expedite the release of the allocated funds for emergency food assistance to Palestinian refugees. It underscores the moral duty to provide emergency food assistance and emphasizes the United States' pivotal role in advancing peace and stability in the region by addressing the fundamental humanitarian needs of Palestinians.

Americans for Peace Now’s President and CEO Hadar Susskind said "We’re sending this petition on the eve of Sukkot. We cannot in good conscience celebrate the fall harvest while crucial funding for food assistance to Palestinians is allowed to expire. The situation in Gaza is at a dire juncture, and lives hang in the balance. It is our moral obligation to do everything we can to ensure these funds are released in time."

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