-- Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, in response to criticism from his coalition allies for denouncing Hezbollah as terrorists
Now is a great time to download APN's Facts on the Ground, a new, completely revamped and upgraded version of the groundbreaking settlements map app. It is available for free on iPhone and Android.
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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
A Message from Letty Cottin Pogrebin - Author, Activist, and APN Board Member:
I am happy to see Shaqued Morag at the helm of Shalom Achschav, Israel’s Peace Now movement, not only because of her proven management skills (and not only because I am always happy to see talented women in positions of leadership and power), but because she is the face and spirit of the peace movement’s new generation.
Shaqued is one of hundreds of thousands young Israelis who are determined to resist their right wing nationalist government and its erosions of democracy.
Shaqued and her cohort are forcefully demanding that Israel maintain the rule of law, end its occupation of the West Bank, and allow both peoples — Israelis and Palestinians — to bequeath to their children two states living side by side in peace and security.
As Peace Now's partners in the U.S., Americans for Peace Now and its leaders are not naive about the frustrations and challenges of a stalled Israeli- Palestinian peace process. Nevertheless, however grim its prospects at the moment, we know that as long as people of conscience are willing to continue the struggle for peace, our cause is far from lost. Moreover, we believe we owe it to our activists here and in Peace Now in Israel to redouble our efforts to keep hope alive in these dark times. We owe it to Shaqued and her friends. We owe it to every reasonable, justice-minded Israeli. We owe it to every American who believes in human dignity and disavows hatred of The Other. And we owe it to the memory of the eleven Jews slaughtered this fall in Pittsburgh simply for being Jews, a people that continue to be seen as The Other in the eyes of those who trade in demonization and hate.
Rather than surrender to the toxicity and hopelessness permeating today's world, we at APN have recommitted to peace by stepping up our education and advocacy efforts, whether in person, in writing, on our remarkable website (check out its riches), or in concert with Shalom Achschav, our Israeli counterpart. But we need your help to do our work: to provide quality materials, settlement maps, and resources so that legislators, the media, thought leaders, and every American is well informed on all the issues — and fired up enough to effectively resist Netanyahu, Trump, and the extremists who would lead the region into an abyss of perennial conflict and shameful subjugation of another people.
I'm counting on you to stay with us, stand with us, and be inspired by Shaqued’s letter (below) to support us!
Thank you so much.
Eight out of the 22 players on the current Israeli soccer national team are non-Jews, of them 7 are Arabs and one, Bibras Natkho, is an Israeli Circassian Muslim. He is also the national team captain. That is unprecedented. Never before have so many non-Jewish players played for the national team.
The soccer field in Israel serves young Arab men as a tool for upward mobility while it also serves as a platform for anti-Arab bigotry and racism. Tomer Fadlon, an expert on the politics and diplomacy of soccer at Tel Aviv University, explains the apparent contradiction and much more.
Now is a great time to download APN's Facts on the Ground, a new, completely revamped and upgraded version of the groundbreaking settlements map app. It is available for free on iPhone and Android.
Go HERE for more and links to download the app on Apple or Android
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Now is a great time to download APN's Facts on the Ground, a new, completely revamped and upgraded version of the groundbreaking settlements map app. It is available for free on iPhone and Android.
Go HERE for more and links to download the app on Apple or Android
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Americans for Peace Now and fellow progressive Jewish organizations delivered a message yesterday to Israel's Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan on his actions relating to Airbnb's decision to delist homes in West Bank Jewish settlements. The letter conveys dismay at Erdan's attempt to enlist US governors to apply pro-settlements laws which are likely unconstitutional.
Now is a great time to download APN's Facts on the Ground, a new, completely revamped and upgraded version of the groundbreaking settlements map app. It is available for free on iPhone and Android.