Recently in Legislative Round Ups

Legislative Round-Up- September 23, 2022

 Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived

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Legislative Round-Up- September 16, 2022

 Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived

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Legislative Round-Up- September 9, 2022

1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters
2. Hearings & Markups
3. On the Record

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters

On 9/14/22, the House Foreign Affairs Committee will mark-up two Middle East-related measures:

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Legislative Round-Up- August 31, 2022

 Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived.

1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters
2. Iran Negotiations vs. AIPAC/Congress
3. On the Record

NOTE: I really had planned for a Round-Up hiatus during summer recess, but events conspired against that, so here we are with one final Round-Up of August. There will NOT be a Round-Up on Friday (I NEED A LONG WEEKEND!!!) — look for the next edition next Friday. And early happy Labor Day!


1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters



[None – except for Gottheimer (D-NJ) letter on Iran, discussed in Part 2 of this Round-Up]

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Legislative Round-Up- August 26, 2022

1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record

NOTE: During August, the Round-Up will shift to a flexible schedule – as in, if there is something to report, there will be a Round-Up, but it may not always be on Fridays. And if there is little to report, the Round-Up may take a break. Thanks for your patience! [And yep, so far this has meant that the Round-Up continues to be produced on its regular schedule during August – sigh].


Media re: attacks on Palestinian NGOs (citing FMEP)

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters


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Legislative Round-Up- August 19, 2022

 Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived.

1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record

NOTE: During August, the Round-Up will shift to a flexible schedule – as in, if there is something to report, there will be a Round-Up, but it may not always be on Fridays. And if there is little to report, the Round-Up may take a break. Thanks for your patience! [And yep, so far this has meant that the Round-Up continues to be produced on its regular schedule during August – sigh].


Also of note: With respect to Israel’s escalation this week of its assault on Palestinian civil society & human rights defenders, FMEP’s Lara Friedman has published several commentaries/analyses in the form of Twitter threads – here, here, and here. You can also see FMEP’s resource page: On Israel’s Declaration of Palestinian Human Rights Groups as “Terrorist Organizations” (Oct 2021 to the present).

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Legislative Round-Up- August 12, 2022

 Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived.

1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record

NOTE: During August, the Round-Up will shift to a flexible schedule – as in, if there is something to report, there will be a Round-Up, but it may not always be on Fridays. And if there is little to report, the Round-Up may take a break. Thanks for your patience!

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters




2. Hearings


3. On the Record

Media & Members – Elections


The Nation 8/12/22: AIPAC vs. Democracy

The Jewish Chronicle 8/11/22: If AIPAC is really trying to buy the Democrat Primaries, it should ask for a refund

Responsible Statecraft 8/9/22: AIPAC’s new strategy: Spend millions on elections, don’t mention Israel [“The lobbying org’s first foray into electoral politics has been marked by spending GOP megadonor dollars on Democratic primaries. Why?”]

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Legislative Round-Up- August 5, 2022

 Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived.

1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record

FMEP Events:

  • 8/4/22: FMEP’s Lara Friedman participated in a panel organized by 7amleh – The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media, SumOfUs, and MPower Change, discussing ongoing efforts to pressure PayPal to open up services to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Other panelists were: Mona Shtaya (7amleh) and Linda Sarsour (MPower Change), and moderate Angus Wong (SumofUs). Video here.

NOTE: During August, the Round-Up will shift to a flexible schedule – as in, if there is something to report, there will be a Round-Up, but it may not always be on Fridays. And if there is little to report, the Round-Up may take a break. Thanks for your patience!

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters

(OBSTRUCTING IRAN DIPLOMACY) H. Res. 1307: Introduced 7/29 by Schneider (D-IL) and  Fleischmann (R-TN), “Committing to ensuring that Iran will never acquire a nuclear weapon and supporting the important work of the International Atomic Energy Agency in safeguarding nuclear material around the globe.” Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

(NO ARMS SALES TO SAUDI ARABIA) S. J. Res. 58: Introduced 8/4/22 by Paul (R-KY), “A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed foreign military sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of certain defense articles and services.” Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

(NO ARMS SALES TO UAE) S. J. Res. 59: Introduced 8/4/22 by Paul (R-KY), “A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed foreign military sale to the Government of the United Arab Emirates of certain defense articles and services.” Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

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Legislative Round-Up- July 29, 2022

 Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived.

1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record

FMEP Events:

7/28/22: New edition of FMEP’s Occupied Thoughts podcast: Israeli Supreme Court Opens Door to “Legalized” Ethnic Cleansing Inside the Green Line — FMEP President Lara Friedman speaks with Dr. Lana Tatour about the recent Israeli Supreme Court decision that opens a legal path for the Israeli government to revoke citizenship of Palestinian citizens of Israel, and what this decision both reflects and demonstrates about the fragile status of Israel’s Palestinian citizens.

NOTE: During August, the Round-Up will shift to a flexible schedule – as in, if there is something to report, there will be a Round-Up, but it may not always be on Fridays. And if there is little to report, the Round-Up may take a break. Thanks for your patience!

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters

(FY23 SFOPS – SENATE) S. 4662: Introduced 7/28/22 by Coons (D-VDE), the “A bill making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023, and for other purposes.” For full Middle East-related details of the bill (pdf) and the accompanying committee report (pdf), see my analysis here. Of special interest:

  • The Report includes new language, introduced by Senators Van Hollen (D-MD) and Leahy (D-VT), regarding Shireen Abu Akleh (see: Van Hollen’s 7/28/22 press release; Van Hollen Tweet
  • The Report also includes new language giving a green light to the State Department linking military aid to regional security cooperation (in effect, appropriators signifying support for using US aid to promote the DEFEND Act).
  • The Bill text includes a new provision – mirroring a new provision in the House version – to enable the US to at least temporarily/conditionally rejoin UNESCO.
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Legislative Round-Up- July 25, 2022

1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters

(FREE SPEECH? MEH) S. XXX: From Jewish Insider 7/19/22: In remarks at a Christians United for Israel summit on Monday just outside Washington, D.C., Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) previewed plans to introduce federal anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions legislation. The legislation, as described by Cotton, would prevent the military from contracting with any companies that engage in boycotts of Israel, a similar mechanism utilized in many state-level anti-BDS laws. The legislation, if passed, would mark a major step forward in efforts to translate state-level anti-BDS initiatives into federal law. The legislation, as described by Cotton, would prevent the military from contracting with any companies that engage in boycotts of Israel, a similar mechanism utilized in many state-level anti-BDS laws. The legislation, if passed, would mark a major step forward in efforts to translate state-level anti-BDS initiatives into federal law. ‘We can fight the antisemitic BDS movement by passing a bill I plan to introduce this year to deny military contracts to any company that boycotts Israel,’ he said.’”  Also see:

  • Video on FoxNews of Cotton talking about the planned legislation (starting at 02:11 in the video).
  • This planned legislation is similar to an amendment to the FY23 NDAA offered earlier this month by Gottheimer (D-NJ) [covered in the 7/8/22 edition of the Round-Up)]
  • Tweet from FMEP’s Lara Friedman 7/19/22: “Reminder: the legal logic behind Cotton’s promised new federal anti-BDS bill is already a template by states to target free speech/protest related to industries incl fossil fuels, guns/ammo, & to attack very notion of values-informed investing.”
  • US senator outlines plans for nationwide anti-BDS legislation (Middle East Eye 7/20/22)
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